Cleaning supplies -Natural brushes, sponges and organic cleaning products.

How to Clean Your House in 2 hours

Do you feel overwhelmed by the thought of cleaning your entire house? Do you still want the house to be cleaned? 

Maintaining a clean and organised home is a common goal, but our busy schedules often make it challenging to find the time. However, with the right approach and a few clever hacks, you can transform your cleaning routine from a dreaded chore to a quick and efficient task.

In this article, we will explore practical strategies and efficient techniques to help you tackle your cleaning tasks and achieve a spotless home in just 2 hours. 

Let’s delve into the art of speed cleaning with this aim in mind. 


Spending some time in preparation will help you stay focused and avoid wasting time searching for supplies or wondering where to start. Besides, you can ‘re-use’ preparation in your future house cleaning.

Create cleaning plan

I suggest creating a cleaning plan that you can use all the time which will guide your efforts. Prioritise rooms based on their visibility and the time you spend in them. Focus on key areas like the kitchen, living room, and bathroom, allocating more time to spaces that need extra attention. This strategic approach ensures you make the most of the limited time available.

Consider delegation

Consider delegating tasks to family members but be mindful that delegation may slow you down if you have to wait for the other person to start or finish their task. However successful teamwork can speed up the process to achieve the goal of cleaning your house in 2 hours.

Set realistic expectations

Even if you have the best intentions to finish cleaning on time, be prepared that cleaning may take longer than 2 hours, especially in your first attempts. 

Gather all necessary supplies

Gathering all necessary cleaning supplies in one location before starting the cleaning process will help avoid interruptions and eliminate the need to search for tools, which as a result, will save precious minutes.

These suppliers can include a timer (e.g. your phone may have a timer or you can get an app for it), multipurpose cleaners, microfiber cloths, a cleaner, a broom, a dustpan and a mop.



Before you start cleaning, take a few minutes to declutter each room. Put away any items that are not in use or misplaced item, and discard or donate anything you no longer need. This will create a more organised environment and make cleaning surfaces easier.

Open windows and doors, and turn on the lights

Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate while you clean to make your home feel refreshed. 

Turning lights on may seem like a waste of electricity, but it’s not. Having lights on will expose areas not visible otherwise, such as dusting behind furniture or identifying stains on the walls.

Cleaning process

Now that you preparation is out of way, the fun of cleaning starts. Make sure you take a note of starting time and use timer to be able to finish cleaning your house within 2 hours.

Use a top-bottom cleaning approach

Start with dusting surfaces, such as shelves and light fixtures, before moving downward. This approach prevents the need to re-clean lower areas after addressing higher ones, optimising your time and effort and achieving the goal of cleaning the house in 2 hours as a result.

Room-by-room cleaning with a timer

I’ll describe room-by-room cleaning which I find to be very effective. It also allows you to have a break. For example, if something comes up and you only finished the kitchen and bathrooms, you can always finish the bedrooms another time. 

I’d also recommend using a timer when cleaning your house which will certainly help if you aim to clean your house in 2 hours.

According to the Flying Lady method using a timer is very useful for the following reasons:

Focus and Efficiency: Setting a timer helps you stay focused on the task at hand. Knowing you have a limited time increases your efficiency and prevents distractions.

Time Blocking: The method often involves breaking down cleaning tasks into smaller, manageable time blocks. This ensures that each area of your home receives attention without feeling overwhelmed.

Prevents Procrastination: A timer adds a sense of urgency, reducing the likelihood of procrastination. It encourages you to start and complete tasks promptly.

Structured Cleaning Sessions: Timed intervals create a structured cleaning session. You work with purpose during the designated time, promoting a more organised and systematic approach to cleaning.

Prevents Overexertion: Cleaning can be physically demanding, and setting a timer prevents overexertion. It encourages short, focused bursts of activity, making the process more sustainable.

Kitchen and dining (15 mins)

  • Load the dishwasher.
  • Wipe down countertops, appliances and kitchen table.
  • Wipe the inside of the microwave and the oven.
    Sweep the floor.
  • Mop the floor.

Bathrooms (15 mins each)

  • Spray down the toilet, sink, and bathtub/shower with a cleaner.
  • While the cleaner works, clean the mirrors and fixtures.
  • Scrub toilets and bathtubs/showers.
  • Change towels and bath mats.
  • Sweep the floor.
  • Mop the floor.

Living room (10 mins)

  • Dust furniture and electronics.
  • Vacuum carpets and rugs (or sweep then mop floors).
    Straighten pillows and throws.

Bedrooms (15 mins each)

  • Make beds.
  • Dust furniture and surfaces.
  • Vacuum carpets and rugs (or sweep then mop floors).

Entryway (5 mins)

  • Put away shoes and coats.
  • Wipe down the door and doorknobs.
  • Vacuum carpets and rugs (or sweep then mop floors).

Outdoor verandah or balcony (5 mins)

  • Dust your outdoor furniture.
  • Wipe outside the BBQ.


Mastering the art of speed cleaning requires strategic planning, efficient tools, and a focused approach. By following these tips and techniques, you can successfully clean your house in just 2 hours, reclaiming time for other priorities while enjoying the benefits of a clean and organised living space.

Most importantly, have fun! Cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore. Play some music, dance around, and enjoy the satisfaction of a clean and tidy home.